Mayling Garcia

Armonica Player and Pressed Flower Artist

Here is the trailer for my two upcoming documentaries. The first one is called "Benjamin Franklin and the Mexican," and the second one is called "Where the Hell is Gerhard Finkenbeiner?" Please enjoy.

Mayling Garcia - Armonica Player

Bowls of crystal that are used to keep food and to warm up leftovers in the microwave, who ever imagined that people of the 18th century used them to play music?  Mayling has dedicated her life to playing this instrument perfected by Benjamin Franklin in 1761. Mozart and Beethoven who composed for it, popularized the instrument. The players fell ill due to the lead content of the bowls. After seeing a woman play a glass armonica in Boston, Mayling bought one and learned to play by telephone from the maker, whom she had never met. She is one of only twelve people in the world to play the instrument. Garcia lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico and is creating her first compact disc.

"My life is full and my dreams are big", says Garcia.


Articles, Videos, and Sound Clips

News and Articles

Click  below to learn more about Mayling and her armonica

Americas Got Talent




People En EspaƱol - March 1999





Associated Press - February 2001


Hispanic Business - December 1998


New Mexico Magazine - February 1997



The Santa Fean - June 1997

Click on Logo to view article


  Click on video to play

Sound Files

"Tones of Crystal" is proud to offer two sound clips of Mayling Garcia playing her glass armonica.
These clips are exclusive to this web site and cannot be found anywhere else.

"The Star Spangled Banner"
1 minute 49 seconds


"Amazing Grace"
1 minute 15 seconds






Pressed Flower Art

ALL B&W Nature Portraits

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